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Phonetic Respelling: [ zap ]

Definition: Play

v. 1 -informal- to strike or kill suddenly; 2 to strike or hit with laser beams or x-rays or microwaves.

Sentence: Play Play

He zapped the wasp with bug spray. OR He zapped the hot dogs in the microwave.

More example sentences:

He zapped the wasp with bug spray. OR He zapped the hot dogs in the microwave.

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Dr. Thagoras tells the boys that having a brain freeze after being zapped has caused what?

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What happened to the Jurassic Jackrabbits when General Jackrabbit zapped them with his Meany Machiney?

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Why hadn't Zeek been frozen when Dr. Chill zapped him?

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Ricky Ricotta zapped the Jurassic Jackrabbits to what?

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Mr. Newton has zapped me with a curse of SCIENCE VERSE. What is the word zapped?

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What toy zapped the elf's tushy?

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He zapped the hot dogs in the microwave.

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Who did the children call when Hairy Potty zapped the gym teacher?

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What did Captain Underpants say when Hairy Potty zapped him with a laser beam but he was still okay?

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Where does Joker go after being zapped by Batman?

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What did the dog yell when Scaredy Cat zapped him?

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Synonyms: Play

destroy; exterminate; kill; slaughter; terminate

Antonyms: Play

save; help; aid

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