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Phonetic Respelling: [ zap ]

Definition: Play

v. 1 -informal to strike or kill suddenly; strike or hit with laser beams or x-rays or microwaves.

Sentence: Play Play

I do not like to zap my food in a microwave.

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I do not like to zap my food in a microwave.

Hear it Hear it

When the ring genie tried to zap up gold what did she get?

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How tall did slightly Younger Tiny Tippy zap slightly Tiny Tippy?

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A bolt of lightning is a zap of which kind of electricity?

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When did Chester V's crew zap Flint's friends with freeze rays?

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What did Marigold zap off Dakota?

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Who did Salamandra really zap to power the dragon ship?

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Why did Starfire try to zap Robin?

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What did Clumsy use to zap Gargamel?

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Synonyms: Play

destroy; exterminate; kill; slaughter; terminate

Antonyms: Play

save; help; aid

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1 syllables Play Syllables Game

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