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Phonetic Respelling: [ wich-kraft, -krahft ]

Definition: Play

n. the art of sorcery

Sentence: Play Play

He liked books on witchcraft.

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He liked books on witchcraft.

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Who actually bought the witchcraft book?

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By the time the governor pardoned anyone still imprisoned on witchcraft charges, how many people had been hanged?

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Who acted as lawyer for Abigail Parsons in her witchcraft trial?

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How did the witchcraft start?

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How did Lynn and Mouse know that Betty wanted to buy the witchcraft book?

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What happened if someone accused you of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts?

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How was witchcraft punishable?

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How old was the girl when she was accused of witchcraft and brought to trial?

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Why did Lynn and Mouse want the witchcraft book?

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Synonyms: Play

sorcery; black magic; black art; spell-casting

Antonyms: Play

reality; normal life

How many syllables in witchcraft?

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