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Phonetic Respelling: [ noun proh-test; verb pruh-test, proh-test ]

Definition: Play

n. someone who expresses objection to or disagreement with in a planned organized way

Sentence: Play Play

The protesters chanted and brandished their placards.

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The protesters chanted and brandished their placards.

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Why did the thousands of protesters want to meet with President Woodrow Wilson?

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What kinds of things happened to protesters in the plot of this book?

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What grade was Ruby Bridges in when she resisted hateful protesters to attend an all white school?

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What was different in the 1960s than in years past that allowed more people to hear about the violence protesters faced?

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Dr. King wanted to raise an army of peaceful protesters to fight for what?

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How did the protesters get in the mining gate past the guards?

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The protesters demonstrated the freedom of speech.

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What do the angry people throw at the protesters sitting-in at the lunch counters and the demonstrators who marched outside of the stores?

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Which one of the following were things that the protesters were trained to do during a protest?

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When protesters peacefully marched on the Winter Palace, what did the tsar's soldiers do?

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The protesters chanted and brandished their placards..

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Synonyms: Play

objection; challenge; complaint

Antonyms: Play


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