polka dot

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Phonetic Respelling: [ poh-kuh ]

Definition: Play

n. 1 a dot or round spot printed woven or embroidered repeated to form a pattern on a textile fabric; 2 a pattern of or a fabric with such dots

Sentence: Play Play

You look nice in that polka dot dress .

More example sentences:

You look nice in that polka dot dress .

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What was wrong with the polka dot socks they found?

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Why did Fred want to wear his polka dot socks?

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How many polka dot socks did the friends find?

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Where did Kitty find Fred's polka dot sock?

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Who wanted to wear pink polka dot pants, a dress with orange and green flowers, purple and blue striped socks, yellow shoes and a red hat?

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Synonyms: Play

round dot; circular spot; round spot

Antonyms: Play


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