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Phonetic Respelling: [ pich-ing ]

Definition: Play

v. 1 to throw or toss; 2 to set up or anchor; 3 to move suddenly from one side to the other.

Sentence: Play Play

Bob is pitching great today.

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Bob is pitching great today.

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Who did Molly descrbe as "a pitching machine with a mustache"?

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How did Ray know so much about pitching when he had been a catcher?

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What is unusual about Jimmy's pitching style?

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After Bill's pitching gave the Raiders the game 11 to the Blackhawk's 4, what did Bill do?

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What did Jackie's father tell her about pitching to Babe Ruth?

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He had a peculiarity in his pitching motion that caught batters off balance.

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What happened to Eddie while he was pitching stones at bottles?

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What was the nickname of the pitching machine used for batting practice in this book?

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Why does Mike worry about pitching games?

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Who is known for having the most career pitching victories for the Cardinals?

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How do you think Albert felt when Spike and Joe teased him about his pitching arm.

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Synonyms: Play

cast; chuck; hurl; throw

Antonyms: Play


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