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Phonetic Respelling: [ mil-tn ]

Definition: Play

n. a masculine name; nicknames. Milt; Miltie

Sentence: Play Play

My friend Milton is very smart.

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My friend Milton is very smart.

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Who wrote the anonymous note accusing Milton of kidnapping Eddie?

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Who is Milton supposed to eat to save the friends from Underlord Shaard?

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Why hadn't Milton ever given valentines?

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What did Marvin and Milton do with the left over valentines?

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What award does Milton win?

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How did the woman whose husband was sick give Milton the prescription for the drugstore?

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What valentine did Milton get?

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After graduating High School, what job did Milton work to earn money for art school?

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What region had Milton been studying in school?

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What happened after Milton dropped his hat in the printing machine?

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How does Moxie feel about Milton after she found out he lied about the lie detector?

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What did Milton dream of making?

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How did Moxie and Milton get to Emily's house the first time?

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How does Milton feel when Moxie calls him a sidekick?

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How many syllables in Milton?

2 syllables Play Syllables Game

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