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Phonetic Respelling: [ meyl ]

Definition: Play

adj. the sex that fertilizes the ovum of the female and begets offspring; n. a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies

Sentence: Play Play

The male cat did not get along with the kitten.

More example sentences:

The male cat did not get along with the kitten.

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A male gorilla weighs how much more than a grown man?

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How do male grasshoppers sing?

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What are male and female ferrets called?

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What are young male ponies called?

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How do male crickets sing?

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What are full-grown male zebras called?

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The tale of the male scorpion fly is nonvenomous.

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What is a male moose called?

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What is the average length of the male tiger?

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When do male zebras start their own families?

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My gender is male.

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What is the name of the male penguin that keeps the egg warm while the female finds food?

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The pheromones of a female insect attract a male for mating.

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How much do male German Shepherds weigh on average?

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Synonyms: Play

masculine; manlike; manly

Antonyms: Play


How many syllables in male?

1 syllables Play Syllables Game

Divide male into syllables:


Male rhymes:

  • One Syllable Rhymes
    • Hear ail ail
    • Hear ale ale
    • Hear bail bail
    • Hear baile baile
    • Hear bale bale
    • Hear balle balle
    • Hear bayle bayle
    • Hear beyl beyl
    • Hear braille braille
    • Hear cail cail
    • Hear cale cale
    • Hear calle calle
    • Hear crail crail
    • Hear dail dail
    • Hear daile daile
    • Hear dale dale
    • Hear dayle dayle
    • Hear dralle dralle
    • Hear fail fail
    • Hear faile faile
    • Hear flail flail
    • Hear frail frail
    • Hear gael gael
    • Hear gail gail
    • Hear gaile gaile
    • Hear gale gale
    • Hear galle galle
    • Hear gayle gayle
    • Hear grail grail
    • Hear hail hail
    • Hear haile haile
    • Hear hale hale
    • Hear heyl heyl
    • Hear jail jail
    • Hear kael kael
    • Hear kail kail
    • Hear kale kale
    • Hear lail lail
    • Hear mail mail
    • Hear maile maile
    • Hear maille maille
    • Hear mayle mayle
    • Hear nail nail
    • Hear naill naill
    • Hear nale nale
    • Hear pail pail
    • Hear paille paille
    • Hear pale pale
    • Hear pralle pralle
    • Hear quail quail
    • Hear quale quale
    • Hear quayle quayle
    • Hear rael rael
    • Hear rail rail
    • Hear raile raile
    • Hear rayl rayl
    • Hear rayle rayle
    • Hear reil reil
    • Hear sail sail
    • Hear sale sale
    • Hear salle salle
    • Hear sayle sayle
    • Hear scale scale
    • Hear schshale schshale
    • Hear smail smail
    • Hear ssnail ssnail
    • Hear staehle staehle
    • Hear stale stale
    • Hear tail tail
    • Hear tale tale
    • Hear they'll they'll
    • Hear trail trail
    • Hear vail vail
    • Hear vaile vaile
    • Hear vale vale
    • Hear valle valle
    • Hear veil veil
    • Hear wail wail
    • Hear wale wale
    • Hear weyl weyl
    • Hear whale whale
    • Hear yale yale
    • Hear zale zale
  • Two Syllable Rhymes
    • Hear amell amell
    • Hear ancell ancell
    • Hear assail assail
    • Hear avail avail
    • Hear barrell barrell
    • Hear bartell bartell
    • Hear bewail bewail
    • Hear borrell borrell
    • Hear cadell cadell
    • Hear capell capell
    • Hear cardell cardell
    • Hear carrell carrell
    • Hear cartmell cartmell
    • Hear carvell carvell
    • Hear correll correll
    • Hear curtail curtail
    • Hear derail derail
    • Hear detail detail
    • Hear dorrell dorrell
    • Hear entail entail
    • Hear exhale exhale
    • Hear garrell garrell
    • Hear gorrell gorrell
    • Hear impale impale
    • Hear inhale inhale
    • Hear jamail jamail
    • Hear jarrell jarrell
    • Hear jerrell jerrell
    • Hear kvale kvale
    • Hear lavell lavell
    • Hear levell levell
    • Hear macphail macphail
    • Hear marcell marcell
    • Hear mcgrail mcgrail
    • Hear mchale mchale
    • Hear mcphail mcphail
    • Hear mikael mikael
    • Hear mikhail mikhail
    • Hear modell modell
    • Hear mortell mortell
    • Hear nadell nadell
    • Hear orrell orrell
    • Hear parcell parcell
    • Hear perrell perrell
    • Hear podell podell
    • Hear portell portell
    • Hear prevail prevail
    • Hear quesnell quesnell
    • Hear radell radell
    • Hear rafale rafale
    • Hear revell revell
    • Hear savell savell
    • Hear sumrell sumrell
    • Hear surveil surveil
    • Hear tirrell tirrell
    • Hear today'll today'll
    • Hear tramell tramell
    • Hear travail travail
    • Hear unveil unveil
    • Hear verrell verrell
    • Hear withnail withnail
  • Three Syllable Rhymes
    • Hear avenell avenell
    • Hear averell averell
    • Hear deverell deverell

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