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Phonetic Respelling: [ fer-got-n ]

Definition: Play

v. to be unable to recall or think of; adj. left unoccupied or unused

Sentence: Play Play

Sam had forgotten the address. OR The forgotten toy lay under the bed.

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Sam had forgotten the address. OR The forgotten toy lay under the bed.

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What did Chato say when he realized he had forgotten to invite Novio Boy to the birthday party?

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What had the boys forgotten after moving the Eye?

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What was the name of the first forgotten story from the Brothers Grimm?

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What have the friends forgotten when they went on picnic?

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I have not forgotten you.

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What was forgotten in the trunk of the car when they arrived at the airport?

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What had the girls forgotten when they went across the prairie?

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What had Liza forgotten to do before she went to school?

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What makes Eva realize she has forgotten presents for her family?

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It was an embarrassment to have forgotten his birthday gift.

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How does it feel to be forgotten according to Ivy?

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What had Jabari forgotten to do before his first try?

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What did Mr. Mortman bring to Lucy's house that she had forgotten at the library?

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Synonyms: Play

lost; misplaced; blankedout; drew a blank

Antonyms: Play


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