
Hear it
Hear it

Phonetic Respelling: [ krik-it ]

Definition: Play

n. 1 leaping insect; male makes chirping noises by rubbing the forewings together

Sentence: Play Play

I hear the crickets outside.

More example sentences:

I hear the crickets outside.

Hear it Hear it

What are crickets most commonly colored?

Hear it Hear it

Where are the crickets at the beginning of the story?

Hear it Hear it

How do crickets make their chirping sound?

Hear it Hear it

What are young crickets called?

Hear it Hear it

What sound did the four crickets make?

Hear it Hear it

What do crickets have on their front legs?

Hear it Hear it

What do the tiny field crickets search for?

Hear it Hear it

When do crickets sing?

Hear it Hear it

What color can crickets be?

Hear it Hear it

Why were the crickets tired?

Hear it Hear it

The symphonic sound of the crickets lulled him to sleep.

Hear it Hear it

How do male crickets sing?

Hear it Hear it

In which countries do children bring home crickets as pets?

Hear it Hear it

When do crickets usually chirp?

Hear it Hear it

Synonyms: Play

leaping insect; chirping insect; insect

Antonyms: Play


How many syllables in crickets?

1 syllables Play Syllables Game

Crickets rhymes:

  • Two Syllable Rhymes
    • Hear chicots chicots
    • Hear cricket's cricket's
    • Hear pickets pickets
    • Hear rickets rickets
    • Hear ricketts ricketts
    • Hear thickets thickets
    • Hear ticket's ticket's
    • Hear tickets tickets
    • Hear wickets wickets

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