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Phonetic Respelling: [ blast ]

Definition: Play

n. 1 a powerful and sudden gust or stream; 2 a loud and startling sound; 3 an explosion.

Sentence: Play Play

The rocket will blast into space on Saturday.

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The rocket will blast into space on Saturday.

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What has a high blast resistance?

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What weapon does Lex use to blast her avatar in the face?

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What do the miners do when they decide to blast a new tunnel in the wall?

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How had the cosmic blast change Victor?

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When it was almost time for blast off, what did Bella tell Bub?

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Why did Hannah blast her music in the middle of the night?

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Why did Bub jump into the rocket and blast off?

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What did the blast turn Bruce into?

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Kaitlin was seriously injured in the blast as she came to find Z. What caused her injuries?

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What can blast through tank armor?

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Why did Eric blast himself with the plasma gun?

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Why wasn't Roth in the atrium when the blast went off?

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What weapon did the Time Surfers use to blast the plasmicons?

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Who was hurt in the blast at the portal?

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Synonyms: Play

burst; blare; gale; gust

Antonyms: Play


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