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Phonetic Respelling: [ awk-shuhn ]

Definition: Play

n. a public sale. Each item is sold to the person who offers the most money

Sentence: Play Play

We bought our home from an auction.

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We bought our home from an auction.

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Alf says, "I welcome you to an auction dedicated to all of us cerophiles." What is a cerophile?

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Which painting in the silent auction received the most bids?

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What did Eudora Pillbox hope to auction off in the story?

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Miss Lana went to the auction to buy what?

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He used a bot to look for bargains on the online auction website.

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What was in the last box of books at the auction that Tessa felt it was important to get?

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Someone outbid me at the auction.

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What American poet was sold on an auction block when she was a young girl?

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How did Leah's papa feel about having to auction his animals and equipment?

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How did Edward Disin escape the auction with the crayon?

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My father bought a crock pot at the auction.

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What happened to the black box after the auction was over?

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The local horse auction rarely offered duns.

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He bought a Guernsey at the livestock auction.

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Synonyms: Play

competitive sale; sale by bid; competitive sale

Antonyms: Play

retail store

How many syllables in auction?

2 syllables Play Syllables Game

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