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Phonetic Respelling: [ uh-soomd ]

Definition: Play

v. to take as true or as a fact without actual proof ; to take to or upon oneself

Sentence: Play Play

She assumed the post of mayor one month after the election.

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She assumed the post of mayor one month after the election.

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What was found that was assumed to be used as money?

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What did Jean become while he used an assumed name?

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He assumed the husbandly duties like mowing the lawn.

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What was the source of the noise that the Head of the Army assumed was gun fire?

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Why did Marie take a few years off to hide and vacation under assumed names?

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When Kristy accepted the job as babysitting Buffy and Pinky, she assumed they were children. But what were they really?

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What was Davies assumed name?

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Synonyms: Play

presume; suppose; accept; agree

Antonyms: Play

disbelieve; doubt; reject; disown

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