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Phonetic Respelling: [ en-ee-tahym ]

Definition: Play

adv.1. at any time; regardless of hour or date etc; 2 invariably; without doubt or exception; always

Sentence: Play Play

You can borrow that anytime. Spelled as one word.

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You can borrow that anytime. Spelled as one word.

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Northeasters usually form anytime from September through April.

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Nor'easters usually form anytime from September through April.

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What does Sadie's family say anytime someone leaves the house?

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Do you foresee the cupcake craze abating anytime soon or are there years left in this trend?

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What did Clara give Talise to squeeze anytime she feels anxious?

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Synonyms: Play

whenever; at any moment; no matter when

Antonyms: Play


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