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Phonetic Respelling: [ an-toh-nee-uh, -tohn-yuh ]

Definition: Play

n. a feminine name; var. Antoinette; Tonya

Sentence: Play Play

My friend Antonia is very smart.

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My friend Antonia is very smart.

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How did Antonia think her mother felt about her?

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What position did Antonia Novello assume in 1990?

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What had happened that caused Antonia and Harrison to be such good friends?

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What did Elizabeth and Antonia tape to their Dad's briefcase?

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Which one of the following was one condition that Just Carol told Antonia she had to do to be able to come back to Zoo Teens?

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Why was Harrison concerned about Antonia going to the math-a-thon?

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Which great musician visited Antonia while still a young child?

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How did Antonia feel during the early part of the math-a-thon?

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Why did Maria Antonia change her name to Marie Antoinette?

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What was the purple pamphlet about that Antonia always threw away?

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What were some foods Antonia gave Diego to help him heal?

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Who was Antonia really?

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Why did Antonia know very little when she was 13 and preparing to be the Queen of France?

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What did Antonia find out about her Dad when she called his office?

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How many syllables in Antonia?

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Antonia rhymes:

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