and then

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Definition: Play

adv. subsequently or soon afterward -often used as sentence connectors-

Sentence: Play Play

We ate dinner and then took a walk.

More example sentences:

We ate dinner and then took a walk.

Hear it Hear it

Why did Metalhead's eyes glow red and then he attacked the Turtles?

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In Norway something knocked over Karl Linblom and then did what?

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What does Gabriel put on and then can't get off?

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When did Ruby look at her picture and then at her friends?

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He put on one blucher and then the next.

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The ghost kept on appearing and then vanishing.

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What surprise ancestor does Maisie discover on the family tree and then tell Charlie about?

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He wakes his grandpa Noah, and then what happens?

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What was Juana's reaction when someone tried to steal their pearl and then hurt Kino?

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The limestone was pulverized and then used to make cement.

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My brother spoke to us and then relapsed into a coma.

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They had a short courtship and then they were married. Spelled as one word.

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He needs to pay the moorage and then we can sail off.

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What causes ants to walk to a suitable location, bite down on a stem, and then die?

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Synonyms: Play

then; so; and so; soon afterward

Antonyms: Play


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