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Phonetic Respelling: [ ah-nuh-sah-zee ]

Definition: Play

n. a Native American who lived in what is now southern Colorado and Utah and northern Arizona and New Mexico and who built cliff dwellings

Sentence: Play Play

An Anasazi is a prehistoric American Indian.

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An Anasazi is a prehistoric American Indian.

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How did the Anasazi get back to their city after looking for food?

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Why did the Anasazi abandon their city?

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Why did the Anasazi and the Cohonia people leave the Grand Canyon?

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Which of these is not part of the Anasazi diet?

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What did the Anasazi people look like?

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How long ago did the Anasazi people disappear from the Four Corners area?

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What did the Anasazi use to hold the sandstone blocks of their houses together?

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The Anasazi people were the progenitors of the Hopi Native Americans.

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Why did the Anasazi get sick?

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How did the Anasazi Indians know precisely when the summer solstice had arrived?

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What do scientists believe about the Anasazi people?

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Which is not a theory on why the Anasazi people left?

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Where did the Anasazi people go after they left the Four Corners region?

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The Anasazi Indians developed which ideas?

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Synonyms: Play

Native American; American Indian; Indian

Antonyms: Play

European settler

How many syllables in Anasazi?

4 syllables Play Syllables Game

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