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Phonetic Respelling: [ ad-vans, -vahns ]

Definition: Play

to move or send forward; to offer or suggest -advanced her plan-; to raise in rank or position -advance him to captain-; to make progress or grow

Sentence: Play Play

Sally was hired to do advance publicity for an event.

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Sally was hired to do advance publicity for an event.

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The pre in prepay changes the meaning to pay in advance.

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Who thought meeting the King could possible advance their career?

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The sniper held off the advance until more troops could arrive.

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Why does Greg's mom not like to give to much advance warning?

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He sent his baggage on in advance.

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What is a recent advance in space exploration?

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An author may foreshadow an event by giving a hint in advance.

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The army's advance was encumbered by long supply lines.

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Who was asking "Why do angry ants advance across?"

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How does the author use Thomas, a seemingly unimportant boy, to advance the story?

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What happened to the $500 that Mr. Hobart gave Dicey as an advance on the boat she was building for him?

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Foreshadowing is an advance sign (warning) of what is to come. Which one is an example?

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The polio vaccine was a tremendous advance in medicine.

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How much money did Mr. Hobart pay as an advance on the job he offered Dicey?

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Synonyms: Play

come; go; move; progress; travel; promote

Antonyms: Play

back; delay; reverse; stop

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