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Phonetic Respelling: [ ak-sep-ting ]

Definition: Play

v. to agree to receive

Sentence: Play Play

We have very stringent guidelines for accepting new students.

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We have very stringent guidelines for accepting new students.

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He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement.

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Why did Gaten's family have trouble accepting Sara Kate?

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Was it a difficult sell in the beginning or was Portland ready and accepting of BAKESHOP right out of the gate?

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What reason did Ellen give the director for not accepting the part?

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Instead of accepting the gods' gift of immortality, Percy decides to. . .

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Which sister has the hardest time accepting Lily?

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Why didn't Vicki want to make a decision about accepting Christ when she first met Bruce?

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What was Jessica worried about in accepting Jeremy's kidney?

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She had a hard time accepting the stark truth.

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How does Eva feel about accepting the trophy from Miss Featherbottom?

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They pressured him into accepting the contract.

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What does Brock tell Zed about accepting the token for the Adventurers Guild at the Guildculling ceremony?

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Why did Chris have such a hard time accepting "being a Winchester"?

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How did Silvia feel about Arianna accepting the marriage proposal from the di Chimici?

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Synonyms: Play

take; receive; acquire

Antonyms: Play


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